Do you fax your inventory to potential buyers? Interested in selling paper on Go2Paper but want to only allow certain companies to view your inventory? Or, maybe you simply want all your inventory in one location on Go2Paper so buyers can easily access and purchase your paper?

We can provide you with your own secure web site, with your brand, complete with a feature to email you listings to potential buyers, all at a fraction of the cost of building a web site yourself. We will build and host the site so you can focus on your core business.

The benefits are:

Significantly lower costs than building and maintaining your own web site.

Reduce overhead costs.

Secure web site, which can be viewed by only those companies you select.  Or, allow all our members to view your inventory.  It's your choice.

Access to tools to manage the site including posting your inventory and reviewing purchase orders.

Email your listings in four easy steps directly to your buyers.

24 x 7 hosting services

Give us a call at 510-336-0602 to review your requirements and get you set up with your own Private Web.

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